Introductory Handout
A Parent and Advocates Guide to Anji Play is a free, seven-page, downloadable PDF that summarizes the approach, the role of teachers and technology, and relationships with families and communities.
Practice Guides
These free, one-page, downloadable PDFs include tips for the present, mindful, intentional, responsive educator/caregiver committed to meeting all learners "where they are."
Stepping Back vs. Stepping In provides straightforward examples of “stepping in” to a child’s play, and some alternatives that allow us to gain a deeper understanding of the child’s needs and abilities.
Empowering Children and Educators Through Recording Play provides helpful hints for using readily available technology to record play and reflect on those recordings to deepen our understanding and create more responsive environments.
Listening to Learners provides advice on facilitating learner reflection on their own joyous experiences of exploration and discovery.
Three Stages of Educator Development provides a basic framework for understanding the stages of educator development in environments that seek to meet and then support every learner “where they are.”
Research Resources
Additional resources available here include links to presentations by well-known educators and researchers at the 1st International True Play Conference: TruePlay2019 and a bibliography of important research that describes the role of risk in play and learning, theories of cognitive development, and the relationship between block-play and literacy.